Monday, 21 June 2010

Just too much!

Erm... I'm meant to be revising now.

But I get distracted so easily. It's quite funny actually because I find the smallest thing to get distracted by. You really don't want to know. =D

If that isn't bad enough, after about twenty minutes of revising I find myself falling asleep at my desk! It's just too much. The stuff isn't boring, I guess my brain gets overloaded with all the information.

Before writing this post, I imagined my brain swelling up with all the learning. Then I thought of Pinky and the Brain (an old cartoon series). Why? Have you seen how big Brain's head is? It's just filled with intellegence and wit! Here's a pic:

I don't have much else to say.

Oh, I'm looking forward to the summer though! I'll make sure I post something about my plans for the summer soon... after exams are over. =)

To those who have already had their exams or are waiting to sit them, I wish you the best of luck!

Happy revising.


  1. I use to love Pinky and the Brain. I even remember how it ended every time:

    "So what we gonna do tomorrow night Brain?"
    "The same thing we do every night Pinky: try to take over the world!" (Muh hu ha ha haaa)

    I hope that with you knowledge-filled-oedematous-brain you'll find better things to do over the summer than 'try to take over the world'. (By the way, can I be Pinky?)

    Anyway, keep revising, even of it sends you to sleep. Inshallah it will pay off and you'll do really well in your exams.

    Oh and I also happened to blog today about exactly the same subject. Like I said before, 'Great minds blog alike' or something like that. Check it out:

  2. Crs u can b Pinky ;-)
    yep, great minds do "blog" alike. lol

  3. Oh my samia so sweet and innocent! you just wait and get married and our brain will go into overload! so much more to do when 2 people are involved!

    hmmm think this summer is ging to get boked up wit lots of ramadan bite shoots hee hee xxxx
