Saturday, 10 April 2010

Bright Darkness

The waves crash against the sand,
Soft touch... or violent?
As the water breaks land.
Dragging pieces back with it,
Like it wants to remember,
Or dig a hole, leaving a death pit.
Stab a wound in my heart.
It will slowly seal back...
Like preserved priceless art.
Drench me with pain and fear.
I will not tremble,
As long as you are here.
My eyes... a waterfall,
In search of your silhouette,
Hiding, still hovering so tall.
A needle prick, flowing blood.
Must still carry on,
Hard work is love.
Going crazy, or crazy indeed,
My love for you ,
Is but a growing seed.
Wishful thinking in spite of doom,
If only we knew...
We'll meet His decision soon.
Must clean up life's mess,
Quickly gather the puzzle pieces.
I'm get ready for bright darkness.

By Samia Hussain 24/01/2010

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